Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What I've learned from T.V. (5)

People say that you can never learn anything by watching television. As a huge fan of the medium, I must disagree. I am a firm believer that you can gain great amounts of knowledge by watching t.v. This is my fifth post in which I will highlight some of the useful information that I now have stored in my brain because of television.

Saved by the Bell:

By watching Saved by the Bell, I have learned there is "No hope with Dope". (Just ask Johnny Dakota)

I learned that the bigger your cell phone, the cooler you look.

Friends forever is an awesome concept. It's even better when you can sing a pop song about it.

And, probably the most true to real life thing that I have learned is if you are dorky and have a weird nickname, you will never get the girl. (Poor Screech)

1 comment:

Mim said...

Another lesson with sitcoms is that no matter what the crisis, we learn from it. grow by it, and life somehow always turns out well. That is a faith principle.