Saturday, February 21, 2009

Shake the dust

My mother-in-law, Marcia, has written a book called "Shake the Dust - and Move on". It is about those times in life where perseverance isn't the best course of action. As she puts it, "There are some circumstances that demand an alternate plan". She explains that sometimes you just have to "shake the dust and move on".

This book is great to read, in and of itself, but, I think it really hits is purpose best when it is used in a small group setting. The women's small group, at Gravity Church, just finished this book. They found it very thought provoking and it opened up some great conversations.

If you haven't read it, pick it up. It's a great read. And, if you are in charge of picking out material for small groups, I absolutely suggest you check out "Shake the Dust - and Move on".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Scott. I appreciate your boost for the book.