Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chocolate River/Mountain Dew Fountain

Lately, one of our favorite family movies is "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". If you've seen the movie, you know that Willy Wonka has a river of chocolate flowing through his factory. Selleck loves the part when the boy, who is leaning down to take a drink, falls into the river. We have watched that scene many, many times.

The chocolate river, in the movie, got me to thinking. I don't think that I would want a chocolate river, flowing through my house, but rather a Mountain Dew drinking fountain would be my choice. It would be cool to walk over, push a button, and have ice cold Mountain Dew right there to drink. Yes, that would be my dream!

I may never get my Mountain Dew drinking fountain, but maybe I could have a scaled down version. Maybe just a small soda fountain of Mountain Dew. Or, better yet, a Mountain Dew freeze machine. It is like an icee or slurpie machine, but it serves frozen Mountain Dew. I think that would be my "chocolate river".

What about you? What do you like so much you would have it flow through your house?


Sarah Burggraf said...

A cherry-coke slurpee machine -- for sure!!!

Mom said...

Diet Caffine Coke would be great. Better well maybe better than the chocolate river. That would be a tough choice to make a chocolate or a cokeriver

Mim said...

Zero Sprite is currently my choice, but I so like change and variety that I think a river might get old.