Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pray like... Work like...

There is a great quote from Martin Luther that says "Pray like it all depends on God, then, when you are done, go work like it all depends on you."

I love this quote. In just a few words it sums up what Ministry is all about. All the good that comes from the Ministry we have been called to is because of God. But, when God calls us to a Ministry, He wants us to give our all in whatever He has asked us to do.

When we give all that we have and pray continually for God's presence, our Ministry will be successful. When we leave out God, we have missed it all. And, when we leave out our own hard work, we are falling short of what God has called us to do.


Mom said...

Today's blog should be a self examation of what we should be doing everyday.

Rob said...

Great post. I didn't know that was Luther. I've heard that quote before and I love it.

Mim said...

Great quote. Taking action increases faith and gives a focus while we wait for God to answer.