Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Unlimited Creativity

When it came to being creative, as it pertains to church, I always thought I needed to leave some creativity in my back pocket. I was afraid that if I would throw out all my creative ideas, I might not have any left over for the next series or program or whatever. If we used up all our creative ideas on one series or one program, the next several series or programs would be dull, because we would have no creativity left. But, I was wrong.

I truly believe, like other wonderful things from God, creativity can be unlimited. If you use all your creativity on one project, it is ok. God will supply more creativity the next time you need it. The really creative churches get this. When you take a look at what they are doing, you can't even imagine how they can be so creative. Then you check them out again the next week or the next series or even the next year, and they are just as creative.

Every time I have ever tried to come up with a creative idea, God has not failed me. He has either given me an original idea, or let me see something another church is doing that we could tweak and make our own, or let me flat out take an idea from another church that I know would work for us. God has always supplied the creativity when it is needed. Now that I don't have a regular outlet for my creativity, one might think that God would stop giving me creative ideas. But, God hasn't stopped. For now, the ideas seem to be burning a hole in my pocket, just waiting for the chance to be used. And, I know when I use those ideas, God will send more.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Great post. I've thought the same thing about sermons I've preached.