Tuesday, May 12, 2009

DVR guilt

Do you have DVR guilt? I will admit that, sometimes, I suffer this terrible affliction. What is DVR guilt, you ask? DVR guilt is defined as the emotion you feel from having programs recorded on your DVR, for some time, that you have not had time to view. The emotion most sufferers feel is best describe as a sort of guilt.

I have experienced that feeling. It seems to happen most often with new shows that I would like to try out. I set up a season pass to record the series, but never actually get around to watching it. I look at my recorded shows and feel bad that I haven't actually watched what I have recorded.

Other times this happens, is when I will record a movie, that many people call a "Classic", that I think I should watch. However, it seems that I never get around to doing that. Right now, I have "Gone with the Wind" and "This is Spinal Tap" recorded, but yet to be watched.

I guess the only way to be cured is to either go cold turkey and just delete everything, or take a weekend and do nothing else but watch t.v. Either way, it seems I may be in for a rough time ahead.


Mim said...

Much like my email, I run a tight ship and clear the clutter. Bob, on the other hand, keeps quite a cache of read emails and stores most of the DVRs at our house. In his defense, he does regularly watch, review, and clear the DVR. However, I see little point in keeping old purchased DVRs. Bob has a collection of those taking up valuable space. With the availablility of rentals, who needs a personal collection?

Mim said...

Attention to Detail:
As you can see, I make no distinction between DVR and DVD. To make matters worse, I interchange CD and DVD. Make way for blu-ray (BD) and whatever is next.

Rob said...

I feel the same guilt. Two solutions. Save it till summer because during the summer not much is on TV. Or after two weeks delete it. Our DVR puts up warnings when it's getting full so I often have to either delete or watch one of the shows that have been on there for a while.